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Texas Municipal Courts Association

Refund Policy

Last updated: March 2024

The Texas Municipal Courts Association is a state-chartered entity listed as a non-profit corporation by the State of Texas.  The Association supports continuing legal education, leadership, technical assistance, and other programs to equip municipal court judges and court support personnel in providing excellent court services throughout the State of Texas and ensure the fair and impartial administration of justice for all people.


The members of the Association shall consist of judges, clerks, and administrative personnel of municipal courts in the State of Texas upon payment of the current dues and after providing a unique and individual email address to establish a membership identification profile.   Corporate memberships are also available pursuant to the rules and regulations specified in the Bylaws of the Association. 

Annual Dues

The Association shall collect annual dues from all members.  The amount of the annual dues is in compliance with Article XII of the Bylaws.  In addition to a members’ annual dues, the Association may also collect a registration fee from any person attending the TMCA Annual Conference/Meeting.


The Association does not refund any payments made for annual dues.  Payments received for registration for the TMCA Annual Conference/Meeting may be refundable until registration for the event closes.  See Article XX of the Association Bylaws.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, please contact us.

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