Texas Municipal Courts Association |
Board Elections 2025
The Nominating Committee invites all members in good standing to submit recommendations for nomination for the upcoming election to be held May 1 through June 25, 2025, for a term beginning September 1, 2025 for the following offices:
Names for the above positions may be placed in nomination by petitions signed by at least twenty (20) TMCA members for statewide board positions and ten (10) TMCA members for regional board positions. All petitions must contain the required number of valid signatures along with the printed name of the members signing the petition for proper verification by the Nominating Committee. All nominees must be employed or serving in a municipal court at the time of nomination. Petitions must be received by the Nominating Committee no later than March 31st. All qualified persons who have submitted valid petitions shall have their names placed on the ballot. A member may not petition to have his or her name placed in nomination for more than one office during any election year. Neither the Nominating Committee, nor any member thereof, shall promise any member that his or her name will be placed in nomination. A completed petition must be received no later than March 31st. Petitions must be mailed to:
or emailed to Judge Teresa Evans at teresa.evans@arlingtontx.gov. The subject line should read "2025 TMCA Petition". No member of the Nominating Committee may be nominated for any position on the Board of Directors during their service on the Nominating Committee. No member of the Nominating Committee shall sign a petition for any person running for a board position. The names and address of the members of the Nominating Committee are: